Thursday, October 23, 2008

What my kids know about me

Last May Logan's preschool teacher asked the kids a bunch of questions about their moms. Then at a Mom and Me party she read them out loud. It was hilarious. Then I read a post on a friend's blog that listed some questions she'd asked her kids about her. Since Jade hadn't answered the questions last time I thought I'd do it again.

1. What is something your mom always says to you?

Logan: no (sad, but true)
Jade: I love you (also true :)

2. What makes mom happy?

Logan: being nice (absolutely!)
Jade: when we give her hugs and kisses and make her feel special (and they do it a lot!)

3. What makes mom sad?

Logan: not being nice
Jade: when something bad happens

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

Logan: tickling
Jade: umm... telling funny things

5. How old is your mom?

Logan: hmmm I just don't know
Jade: 32

6. How tall is your mom?

Logan: Let me count how tall you are... (he proceeds to tap me from my toes to the top of my head, counting). You are 17 tall!
Jade: 5 ft (she shorted me two whole inches!)

7. What is her favorite thing to do?

Logan: read books
Jade: Read. Mom LOVES to read!
(Since they both came up with this one it MUST be true!)

8. What does your mom do when you're not around?

Logan: well, hmmm ... (a couple of minutes later) ... I can't even figure that one out. You tell me what it is, 'cause I don't know.
Jade: go shopping (without the kids? You bet!)

9. What is your mom really good at?

Logan: exercising (Nice... I wish!)
Jade: being a mom and a piano teacher

10. What is your mom not very good at?

Logan: ummm I'm thinking... hmmm... riding scooters (I guess I need to show off my scootering skills some more)
Jade: doing gymnastics (pretty much, yup!)

11. What does your mom like to watch on TV?

Logan: hmm... conference. Was that right?
Jade: uh oh. That's a hard one. All kinds of shows.

12. What is your mom's favorite food?

Logan: oatmeal
Jade: cooked vegetables
(funny answers here... they both picked something they WON'T eat)

13. How do you know your mom loves you?

Logan: by snuggling with me
Jade: because she has a big heart and she forgives us

Ahh, they're adorable.