Monday, September 29, 2008


Just in case you've been dying to know, my luck finally ran out. After putting off jury duty five times, I finally have to serve! When I didn't have to appear today I hoped that meant I'd be safe for the whole week. When I called tonight I had to listen to the message twice thinking I'd heard it wrong. So, I'll be driving in rush hour traffic to arrive at the Salt Lake City Court at 8:30 am tomorrow morning.


Rusti said...

Ah, bummer! That's rough having to be there at 8:30! Maybe you could grab some of your favorite music or make a mixed cd and make the drive a little more fun? Good luck!

Amy said...

My first instinct is a Nelson-esque "Haw, Haw!" My second, immediately following the first, instinct, is to comfort you and say, "It's okay. You'll live through it." Some people actually ENJOY jury duty! Maybe it'll be an interesting case.

Gnolaum said...

Ahhh... kind of sounds exciting though!

Steph said...

Good luck in the traffic, maybe after you go through all that effort and listen to the case you will end up being the alternate like my other friend and not even be able to deliberate after being there all week. I will be thinking of you.