Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hair Wars

After... You gotta love the "yank everything out of my hair" phase. We're going through this 3-4 times a day.


Michelle said...

I showed this to the kids and they loved it. Matthew said at the "after" picture, "She looks like a rock star!"

Nurse Heidi said...

Ha ha!! That was Rachel when she was little. Actually, she's still that way. Absolutely hates having her hair pulled back. Katie, on the other hand, is surprisingly tolerant and usually leaves barettes and rubber bands alone as long as I don't try to go all froofy and put a ginormous bow in.

Ashley said...

Yeah that dosen't look fun but I'm sure she'll grow out of that quick.

Grandma B said...

Your littlest is such a cutie! Can't believe she is two.
I like to check in on your blog from Shannon's blog every once in a while.
I asked you for the answers to your cute Christmas music post you did in referred me to Dec 20, 2007 post...however it mentions the answers however, it sent me to the sidebar...which, unfortunately isn't there anymore. Oooops! If I could get those whenever you get time, to put into my file for Christmas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks and have a great day. You can post it on my blog, just check it on Shannons. Thanks again.

Lanna said...

She is adorable! I love the hair!

Amanda said...

We do the SAME THING! The hair fairy appears when we are in the car... I've lost a lot of great hairbows... but I agree- she is too cute to care!

Taralee said...

Do they ever grow out of this before the teen years. Malia's hairdo still rarely lasts more than a few hours.

Shannon said...

I like #2, it is the Thing 2 hair from the Cat in the Hat. Aeris is adorable!