Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Red Planet?

Is this the phenomenon everyone has been sending e-mails about? You know the one... it says Mars will appear as large as the moon. In actuality this IS the moon... during an eclipse. "During a lunar eclipse the Moon takes on a reddish glow. This phenomenon is due to sunlight passing through the Earth's atmosphere that still reflects off the Moon, even while the Moon is in shadow. Since the atmosphere scatters the blue end of the rainbow, it is the red end of the rainbow that reaches the Moon and reflects back to our eyes, thus giving the Moon a reddish tint during the eclipse." (Clarke Planetarium Website) We dragged ourselves out of bed in the middle of the night to view and photograph the eclipse. We e-mailed the photos to KSL channel 5 and they put them on the air. Since you all were probably not up at 5am to see them there, we're sharing one of them here.


Michelle said...

That is such a cool picture! No wonder it got on the news. I would have woken up at 5 am to see that too! I missed the 12 o'clock news so I'll have to see if it's on later tonight.

Michelle said...

I saw your picture on the 10 o'clock news last night! I taped it if you want to see it.

Amy said...

That's an awesome picture! Thanks for posting it--I'm going to show my kids. We didn't get up to see it in the middle of the night, and this is the first picture I've seen since then of it.