Friday, May 1, 2009

Not Just Another Number

Aeris had her official weigh-in at the pediatrician's office when I took Logan for his 5-year check-up on Wednesday. Just in case you can't see the numbers on the scale, it says 21 lbs!


amy and josh said...

Go Aeris! It looks like she is catching up with Jaxson! LOL :)

Michelle said...

YAY!! She looks so cute on that scale.

Amanda said...

Someday, that will be a huge advantage for her... right now, not so much! Way to grow, Aeris!

Ashley said...

What a cutie. She's get to be a little girl!

Nurse Heidi said...

Good girl!! Katie's only around 21 1/2 pounds, so Aeris is definitely catching up.